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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Factors Contributing to International Student Loyalty – Is It Satisfaction With The University Solely?

Published: May 27, 2020


Anita Kéri, University of Szeged; Klára Kazár, University of Szeged; Balázs Révész, University of Szeged


satisfaction; loyalty; higher education


In the past several attempts have been made to understand factors influencing foreign students’ satisfaction and loyalty at higher education institutions. However, previous research have not treated the examination of factors influencing both school-related and non-school-related satisfaction, and their effect on loyalty in much detail. This research sheds new light on the institution- and faculty-specific school-related and non-school-related factors influencing foreign student satisfaction and loyalty. Data was analysed with PLS path analysis and interestingly, both school-related and non-school-related satisfaction factors had a significant positive effect on student loyalty. The most striking result to emerge is that satisfaction with non-school-related aspects influence loyalty more significantly than their school-related counterparts. Evidence from this study highlights a unique nature of foreign student satisfaction and loyalty and complements those of earlier studies.